Confessions of a stylist revealed...

There’s a famous saying: what happens in a hairdressers, stays in the hairdressers (Vegas tries to claim it, but hairdressers said it first!). We’re confession keepers and guardians of secrets.
You put a lot of trust in your hairdresser, not just to give you the hair of your dreams but to talk all things life with - and it’s our privilege. You know us well too, but we’re sure there are just some things you’ve always wondered about being a hairdresser and maybe haven’t asked. We put it to the Manies to submit their salon confessions, so here are a few of their hairdressing secrets we thought were best shared:
Looking for a ‘bit of a change’ is music to our ears - “I’m a creative and love a bit of a challenge, so when a client is looking to change things up - big or small - I get to channel my creativity, and that’s exciting.” - Tarnz
When you can make a weekday appointment work, we love you for it - “A client surprised me by making a weekday appointment when she had annual leave. She had a different vibe outside of uniform which made me understand her hair needs a little better, we had more time together and it was a bit more relaxed without the after work rush. Whats more we always have a long cancellation list for evenings and weekends, so I was able to offer her appointment to another client - Win, win!” - Secret stylist
It helps us a lot when you come in with your hair styled - “Especially as a new client, it’s important to see how you actually wear your hair outside of the salon. If your favourite style is a top knot, we’ll have a really good chat about maintenance before committing to those bangs.” - Megan
It’s important for us to have a frank chat about your hair history - “There are hairdressing horror stories about certain supermarket shampoos reacting with colour causing hair to break. If you’ve been colouring your hair at home, we’ll also need to plan your hair colour journey a little differently. It all starts with an honest conversation, no judgement, we just want you to leave with a style we’re both proud of.” - Janine
Home hair care really doesn’t pay our bills - “We prescribe home hair care because it really is the vital ingredient that keeps your hair beautiful after you’ve left the salon. I want you to love your hair and look after it, it’s as simple as that.” - Bree
When we’re off sick, we’re really not feeling great - “For stylists, their clients are everything. We know your hair appointments mean a lot to you too! We’ll never move appointments unless we really have to, it’s tough for all of us. Of course the only thing worse than rescheduling would be passing something on, so we do have a firm policy if our team are unwell to rest up at home.” - Rachie
We rely on each other a lot - “When I’m talking through colour ideas with a client, I’ll bounce my thoughts off the other Manies (and I hear the rest of the team doing the same!). It’s a good way to problem solve and come up with the most beautiful, tailored colour plan.” - Bella
Yes, we do get sore feet - “This is an on your feet kind of job. We make sure to have regular breaks, but on crazy days (think the week before Christmas) they’re a little harder to get in. We think that’s why Janine bought us all Spring spa vouchers for Christmas, there was some much appreciated pedicure TLC”. - Secret stylist
We don’t want to brag...but we have the best job in the world. “I feel so fortunate to have a people focussed, creative and fun career, where the sky's the limit. I know not all professions tick those boxes, so when I step into the salon every day I feel very blessed!” - (that one goes for all of us!)